We invite you and your family to join PAC
Every Sunday Morning
Sunday School
9:00 AM
Morning Service
10:30 AM
Every 3rd Sunday
(In-Person 1st Tuesday/ZOOM 2nd-4th Tuesdays)
Prayer: 7:00 PM
Bible Study: 7:30 PM
Women's Bible Study
(In-Person and ZOOM)
Every 3rd Saturday
at 10:30 AM
Brotherhood Bible Study
(In-Person and Zoom)
4th Saturdays, 10:00 AM
In-Person Services
In-person Sunday services continue. Masking optional.
Please join us on Facebook if you are not feeling well.
Sunday School is in-person and broadcast through ZOOM at 9:00 AM.
Morning Services are also in-person and on Facebook Live at 10:30 AM.
Join us at fb/pottershouseapostolicstmarys